International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (IRJPAP)

EA Journals

The Comparison between the Chalk and the Holderness Glacial Till Water Chemistry, North Humberside


The research work was about the hydrochemical of this catchment, in respect of the interactions between the Holderness glacial till and the underlying Chalk. Gross variations in ground water quality in the North Humberside Chalk were recognised and suggested that poor quality water from the Chalk in the Holderness area was an indicator of minimal ground water circulation. This work was devised to resolve outstanding uncertainties of the direct connection between the Holderness glacial till and the underlying Chalk and to improve understanding which has thereby resulted will be of value in the interpretation of the hydrochemical behaviour of this catchment and any similar areas of glacial till underlying Chalk.

Keywords: Chalk, Chemistry, Glacial, Holderness, North Humberside, Till Water

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Impact Factor: 7.20
Print ISSN: 2055-009X
Online ISSN: 2055-0103

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