International Journal of English Language Teaching (IJELT)

EA Journals

English Language Teaching (ELT) and Evaluation at Higher Secondary Level


Evaluation is the important phase in the process of teaching learning of English as a Second language. It provides feedback to both the teachers and students. But it is a neglected area in our teaching learning process. Our syllabus is completely silent on method of evaluation. The teachers are left to evaluate in their own way which is often affected by individual teacher’s personality, approach and attitude. Teaching mode is a dominant aspect in our teaching learning process. Because of teaching mode our teachers evaluate what the students have not learnt and try to find out errors made by the students so that there will be a scope for teaching. This negative approach to evaluation demotivates our learners and the teaching mode prevents our teachers to switch over to other method of teaching/learning according to the feedback received from evaluation. So there is a need for effective teacher training programme to make the teachers aware of the objectives of evaluation and the method to be followed to evaluate the language skills of the learners.

Keywords: language skills. teacher training, negative evaluation. feedback, teaching mode

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