International Journal of English Language Teaching (IJELT)

EA Journals

An Empirical Study on EFL Learner’s Learning Strategies


To improve their language learning efficiency and outcomes, EFL learners tend to use many learning strategies in second language acquisition. This paper compares the definitions and categorizations of learning strategies provided by well-known western researchers, thus giving a general overview of literature in the field of English learning strategies. Then the paper employs the framework of Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) proposed by the western researcher Oxford to make an empirical study on English learning strategies. The subjects of the research are four students from different university. Upon comparing their choice of learning strategies, the result shows that, due to their different requirements of English proficiency and language learning environment, they choose learning strategies with different emphasis. Finally, some suggestions about the application of EFL learners’ English learning strategies are put forward. Chinese learners should be less introverted and be more willing to adopt social and affective strategies to learn English effectively.

Keywords: English foreign language learner, Learning strategies, direct strategies, indirect strategies

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Impact Factor: 6.75
Print ISSN: 2055-0820
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