International Journal of Asian History, Cultures and Traditions

EA Journals

An Appraisal of Kashmir Conflict


India and Pakistan fought three wars (1948, 1965, and 1971). In May – June1999, once again Kashmir became the focus of World attention when India and Pakistan fought a limited war in Kargil heights located in the valley. Kashmirissue has been discussed many times between India and Pakistan. On 2 July 1972 Shimla accord, signed by Indra Ghandiand Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. On21 February 1999 the x-Prime minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif and Atal Behari Vajpayeesinged Lahore declaration .In July 2001 General Pervaz Musharaf visited India and attended Agra summit. When GeneralPervaz Musharaf took over the control of Pakistan, he changed the Kashmir policy, after9/11 Kashmir issue turned into anew and critical direction. India says Pakistan involves in terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir and on the other hand Pakistan without of the opinion and says that Kashmiris are fighting for their self-determination.

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