International Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Studies (IJAERDS)

EA Journals

Social Factors Affecting Adoption of Zero-grazing Dairy Farming Technology among Smallholder Farmers in Bondo SubCounty, Kenya


Adoption of zero-grazing technology in Bondo Sub-County has remained low at 4-8 percent despite its introduction in the area in 1990s. No in-depth analysis has ever been conducted in Bondo Sub-County on the factors responsible for low adoption of this technology. Knowledge gaps exist on practices of successful zero-grazing dairy farming that if addressed may result to an increase in milk production. The purpose of this study was to analyze social factors influencing adoption and performance of zero-grazing dairy farming among smallholder farmers. A study was conducted on a sampled population of 279 from a target population of 4253 smallholder farmers. This consisted of adopters and non-adopters of the technology. Sampling techniques were used to select households. The results showed that age, gender and farm experience significantly influenced adoption of dairy farming technology. The study concluded that age, gender and farm experience influence adoption of technology in the area.  

Keywords: Adoption, Dairy farming, bi-probit model., zero-grazing

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