Global Journal of Agricultural Research (GJAR)

EA Journals

Availability and Use of Agricultural Innovations and Adoption of Animal and Crop Technologies among Farmers in Sokoto State, Nigeria


The study assesses the availability and use of agricultural innovations and adoption of animal and crop technologies among farmers in Sokoto State, Nigeria. Structured interview schedule was used to collect data from one hundred and fifty respondents using a multi-stage sampling technique. Data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. PPMC and t-test was used. Respondent’s mean age was 48 years’ 99.1% had contact with extension agents; 88.4% had access to between 1 and 5 hectares of land; 33.6% engaged in crop production; 29.9% engaged in animal rearing. Recommended crop spacing was adopted by 36.6% of the respondents; while 29.9% adopted improved breeds of livestock. Agricultural Development Project (ADP) was the most accessed (X = 2.97) information source. There was a significant relationship between use of agricultural innovations and adoption of both crop and animal technologies (r = 0.262; p < 0.000), while significant difference (t = 3.068; p < 0.05) existed in the adoption of crop technologies between respondents with low and high access to agricultural innovations. Efforts by relevant agencies to improve the availability and use of innovations relating to appropriate crop and animal technologies will ultimately increase farmer’s adoption of these technologies.

Keywords: Adoption, Availability, agricultural innovations, crop and animal technologies, sokoto state.

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