European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies (EJELLS)

EA Journals

Canadian Multicultural Literature and Managing Cultural Diversity


The paper is an outcome of my interdisciplinary approach to Canadian multicultural literature and its inner voice of managing cultural diversity. It showcases how cultural diversity is fictionalized in the creative writing of Canadian multicultural writers. It demonstrates how Canadian multicultural literature envisions a deep cultural diversity in the Canadian society. It reveals how Canadian multicultural literature is a canonization of cultural diversity. It opens the horizons of intercultural understanding leading to a worldview of cosmopolitanism. It looks at the world through a multicultural prism. It shows how multicultural literature can be a great educator reflecting global thinking. It explores how Canadian multicultural writers promote bonding, bridging and linking – the very ideals of cultural diversity.

Keywords: Cultural Diversity, Multicultural literature, multicultural consciousness, multicultural education, social cohesion, transculturalism

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Impact Factor: 7.23
Print ISSN: 2055-0138
Online ISSN: 2055-0146

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